Pink Bag

Looking for Pink Bag, you have found them, Sunshine Coast Skip Bags are your source for Pink bag. For those new to the rubbish removal business there are many choices. take your own junk to the tip, this may work if you have a trailer, and not a lot to get rid of. Phone a friend with a ute, sure again if you don’t have a lot to get rid of. Dump it on the street, yes some people actually do this, amazing right.

Pink Skip Bag

Our Pink Skip bags are SUPER tough they are safety rated to hold up to 3 Tons (please note specific weight limits apply depending on skip size, safety rating is how strong the skip is, not what I can remove) Pink bags take all types of junk from household to construction to garden. As demonstrated by the very broad customer base we have. Renovation companies use us, as do builders and of course the weekend warrior. people moving house. Moving a loved one out of a house/unit to a higher level of care. Gardeners etc etc.

Why use a Pink Bag

Great question, no time limits you keep there pink skip bag for as long as you want it. Place and fill where you want to, even in a garage or under a carport. Price competitive. Choice of sizes up to 3M3(2m long x 1.5M wide x 1M high) This is the most popular and the most cost effective size. Best of all pink bags take the same junk as a metal skip bin, yes the same no exceptions.

But it’s a bag?

yes but remember it is not a light weight shopping bag. This is a super tough skip bag made from polypropylene plastic, it won’t rid or tear. It will allow water to escape though so don’t worry if it rains.

How do I get a pink bag?

Easy call us 0418493844 and we will deliver to you. And if I want to learn more about these pink bags? Please visit our website